Short 'n sweet: some random images from my day of reconnaissance, in preparation for my day of fishing. (Tomorrow, 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM PST to catch the incoming tide in the estuarine Trask & Tillamook rivers, for fall run Chinook).

Ocean Bay Spit. (That's the name of the beach, though it could be a name for a Portland punk band. Do they still make punk bands?) I thought the fish-shape of this chunk of waterlogged wood was sorta' cool, given it's locational context. It must have weighed over fifty pounds, and was at least a mile away from the Sabbatmobile, or I might have taken it as a treasure.
Had lunch at The Fisherman's Korner, Garibaldi Point; one oyster and one razor clam. No I'm not dieting: the oyster (ordered as an oyster shooter) was a Netarts oyster the size of a hen's egg, and the clam, flattened and deep fried, was the size of a two egg omlette. Garibaldi is a blue collar, combination lumber and fishing town; this marina shares a large, industrial park-ish area with a Coast Guard station, two bar/restaurants (the Korner being one of those) a seafood distribution warehouse and at least three charter fishing operations, and to get to it, you have to drive through the middle of a busy lumber mill, dodging forklifts slinging loads of raw logs around. It was sorta late in the day for lunch, but too early for the Korner's evening crowd, so I was alone in the lounge, save for five guys arranged around one booth. These guys was real fisherman-ish, and not sports fisherman- pros, that work big boats for a living. Could have walked into that bar right out of the pages of a seafaring saga.

Another windy, kinda spooky night alone here. Big gusts cause sounds like footfalls upstairs, and I left a window open so they swing the door up there too, which then emits classic radio suspense-drama sound effect groans....
...........better go check it out.
* Greg Brown, Spring and All
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